Pandathlon – event for the Natura 2000 Day

Natura 2000 Day is celebrated every year on 21 May.

This year we celebrated it with a joint event “Pandathlon”, organized by the CLIMAFORCEE LIFE project, together with LIFE REFOREST and Vitosha Nature Park.

Pupils from second graders from Sofia welcomed Natura 2000 Day with new knowledge about nature conservation!

We are happy and satisfied that we conducted a special training at the “Bear Museum”, where experts from “Vitosha Nature Park” showed and played with the children moments from the life and habits of the wild inhabitants of the park. During the games, the children learned how bats look for food, how to recognize which tracks are from which animals, listened to fascinating stories about bears, identified several species of trees and medical plants.

Although the weather was cold and rainy, we managed to take a short walk, during which we, from WWF demonstrated how to observe insects and birds, and the children actively participated in identifying the birds and explaining why it is important to protect the forests.

“Natura 2000” is a network of 27,800 protected areas throughout the European Union, of which 341 are in Bulgaria! Vitosha Nature Park falls within the boundaries of two of them.