Training on “Impact of climate change on Forest areas”

On 29.09.2022, in the State Hunting Unit Vitoshko Studena a training was held on the topic “The impact of climate changes on forest areas”. Representatives of all Forestry Units of the SWSFE participated, who were familiar with the concept of climate changes and their impact on biodiversity in forest areas – drought, torrential rains, extreme temperatures and increased risk of fires. At the training, the main activities of the Life Projects were presented, on which SWSFE is a beneficiary. A special place was devoted to the Project “Climate-Smart Forest Management for Central and Eastern Europe”, with the acronym CLIMAFORCEELIFE (LIFE19CCA/SK/001276), the activities of which are closely related to the topic of the training and aroused special interest from the attendees. The selected tree species for the experimental afforestation under the Project were discussed, practices and observations of the foresters present from Forestry Units and the Forestry University were shared.