Project actions
A – Preparatory actions
A.1 – Study on assessment of existing forestry models from the viewpoint of climate change will be prepared. Forestry models will be tested in relation to the several expected scenarios of climate change. The study will also include a brief overview of existent risks and natural hazards related to climate change in project countries. The assessment will be performed using mathematical / spatial models.
A.2 – Consultations with stakeholders on proposed climate-smart forestry measures are very important step within the project. The aim of these consultations is the wider acceptance of climate-smart measures proposed within action A.1 by various stakeholder groups. The action will be implemented through the combination of individual consultations and workshops on local and national level.
A.3-A.4 – Preparation and planning of concrete forestry and water management measures to be implemented within actions C.1 and C.7 in project demonstration sites and wetland restoration at Forests of Slovak Republic state enterprise, branch offices Šaštín and Smolenice (action C.7).
C- Implementation actions
C.1 – We plan to establish several demonstration sites in 2 countries – Slovakia and Bulgaria – to demonstrate climate-smart forestry, where various forestry measures will be applied in different forest habitats. In addition, we will utilise several forest holdings in Hungary where different best practice forest management is already in place (details provided in action E.1).
C.2 -A handbook will be prepared within this action, which would compile all information relevant to the climate-smart forestry measures in the region. It will also reflect / build upon recommendations prepared within action A.1 as well as (preliminary) results and experience from other project actions. The handbook will be compiled by a group of international experts and will be published in 5 languages.
C.3-C.4- Within the project we will prepare proposals for the inclusion of climate-smart forestry measures into forest management plans, as well as an expert proposal for the implementation of climate-smart forestry measures into national programming documents for EU funds in 4 project countries (Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania)
C.5 – We plan to replicate and transfer project results through the implementation of external replication cases. We intend to identify at least 6 forest sites with minimum overall area of 1,000 ha, where climate-smart measures could be applied after the end of our project. Information hub will be established in Hungary and tours across the country will be organized with information workshops for private forest owners and managers.
C.6 – A specialized system for monitoring of the forest processes within the area of the SWSFE will be developed. The system will be able to monitor forest processes on an area of 2 million hectares.
C.7 – Water retention measures will be implemented by disfunctioning former drainage ditches and building of small water facilities / dams in the Slovakian project sites.
D – Monitoring of the impact of the project actions
D.1 – We will monitor that applied concrete actions have resulted in improved adaptation capacity of forests within demonstration sites in relation to climate change. In addition, monitoring will also provide information about forest structure and production, which could be analysed in relation to the economic viability of applied measures.
D.2 – As an obligatory action the socio-economic impact of the project will be monitored at the beginning as well as at the end of the project.
E – Communication and dissemination of results
The communication activities focus on two major target audiences: forestry and conservation professionals and the lay public.
E.1 – This action is mostly focused on the dissemination of project results for the professional audiences who are involved in the forest management from various perspectives. The action is closely related to the action C.5 focused on replication and transfer of project results. We expect, that several activities listed within this action may have transfer and replication potential, because they stimulate wider application of climate-smart forestry measures.
E.2 – Increasing awareness of public in relation to the forest management and impact of climate change is listed among the project goals. E.2 actions are designed to the general public which is very sensitive about unfavourable state of forests in the region e.g. large-scale deterioration of coniferous forests and illegal logging or insufficient protection of forests. Our activities will mainly focus on specific target groups which are more directly related to the forests such as active citizens, students, people practicing outdoor activities etc.
F – Project management
F.1 – The project is coordinated by WWF Slovakia. The project team is composed of high guality professionals with significant expertise int he fiel of project management, forestry and nature conservation, as well as communication and training.
The project consortium reflects the fact, that this is an international project implemented jointly by environmental NGOs (WWF SK, WWF, BG, WWF HU, WWF RO), forest enterprises (LESY, SWSFE) and private foresters´ organizations (MEGOSZ). Monitoring of concrete project actions and necessary scientific background for the implementation of project actions is guaranteed by Czech University of Life Sciences (CULS).
The audit of the project expenditures will be organized at the end of the project for partner Forest of Slovak Republic state enterprise.
After LIFE plan will be prepared at the end of the project.
Regular monitoring of project progress is a very important activity to provide an overview of project performance as well as about the project expenditures.